[2025][CISCO ISE#32] - Export/Import Certificate

someday network expert 2025. 1. 13. 16:42



오늘은 Cisco ISE certification export하는 방법에 대해서 알아보겠습니다.


Cisco ISE configuration backup 실행해도 Certificate은 Backup되지 않습니다.

수동으로 백업 해야합니다.


cisco ISE certificate은 다양하게 사용 됩니다. Web GUI, Web Portals, EAP, Pxgrid 등등. 

그래서 꼭 Certificate를 백업 해야 합니다. 설정값을 백업하고 Certificate를 백업하지 않으면 Cisco ISE 장비가 망가져서 RMA 또는 새로운 Cisco ISE설치 했을때 난감한 상황을 맞이 할 수 있습니다.


1. Self Signed Certificate

2. 3rd party signed Certificate 


Self Signed Certificate경우 -  Import Public Key of certificate under trusted certificates

3rd Party Signed Certificate경우 - Import Root and all other intermediate certificates of the certificate


1. 아래 페이지에 접속 합니다.

administrator - system - certificates - sytem certificates


ISE01-TEST-CERT를 Check하고 Export버튼을 클릭 합니다. 


아래처럼 설정 합니다.


아래처럼 파일이 다운로드 되었습니다. 


압축된 폴더를 클릭 하면, 아래처럼 Public Key랑 Private Key가 있습니다.


2번째는 Trusted Certifiate 항목에 있는 인증서를 백업 합니다.


1. Trsuted Crtificates 클릭

2. 저번에 windows CA서버랑 인증서 발급 했던  SERVER-CA-ROOT를 체크 하고 백업합니다. 



이렇게 Certificate 백업하면 됩니다. 


인증서 Import는 cisco ISE에 있는 Import버튼을 눌러서 인증서를 Import하면 됩니다. 이 부분은 생략 하겠습니다.


이번에는 CLI모드에서 인증서를 백업 해보겠습니다.


ISE01/admin#application configure ise

Selection configuration option
[1]Reset M&T Session Database
[2]Rebuild M&T Unusable Indexes
[3]Purge M&T Operational Data
[4]Reset M&T Database
[5]Refresh Database Statistics
[6]Display Profiler Statistics
[7]Export Internal CA Store
[8]Import Internal CA Store
[9]Create Missing Config Indexes
[10]Create Missing M&T Indexes
[12]Generate Daily KPM Stats
[13]Generate KPM Stats for last 8 Weeks
[14]Enable/Disable Counter Attribute Collection
[15]View Admin Users
[16]Get all Endpoints
[19]Establish Trust with controller
[20]Reset Context Visibility
[21]Synchronize Context Visibility With Database
[22]Generate Heap Dump
[23]Generate Thread Dump
[24]Force Backup Cancellation
[25]CleanUp ESR 5921 IOS Crash Info Files
[26]Recreate undotablespace
[27]Reset Upgrade Tables
[28]Recreate Temp tablespace
[29]Clear Sysaux tablespace
[30]Fetch SGA/PGA Memory usage
[31]Generate Self-Signed Admin Certificate
[32]View Certificates in NSSDB or CA_NSSDB


7번 Export Internal CA store

Export Repository Name: FTP
Enter encryption-key for export:
15:33:28.552 [main] INFO  co - Initializing Inprocess PAP
15:33:29.628 [main] INFO  co - In PAP Facade initialize ...
15:33:29.629 [main] INFO  co - Retrieving CEPM Location
15:33:29.639 [main] INFO  co - Loading [ oracle ] Database Queries
15:33:29.640 [main] INFO  co - QueryStore config file [ oracle.xml ]
15:33:29.700 [main] INFO  co - Queries are loaded
15:33:29.700 [main] INFO  co - Loading Pre-hook Handlers.....
15:33:29.700 [main] INFO  co - Handler Definitions config file [ api_configuration.xml ]
15:33:29.720 [main] INFO  co - Pre-hook Handlers are loaded
15:33:29.721 [main] INFO  co - Handlers are loaded..
15:33:29.721 [main] INFO  co - Initializing Connection Pool
15:33:29.723 [main] INFO  co - Pool is going to be initialized with poolName as Default Domain
15:33:29.727 [main] INFO  co - The Implementation Class for Connection Pooling is............... co
15:33:29.727 [main] INFO  co - Initing the ConnectionPool with Properties
15:33:29.736 [main] INFO  co - In DBApacheContextFactory Class
15:33:29.760 [main] INFO  co - Starting the abandoned pool reaper thread
15:33:29.762 [AbandonedTransactionReaper] INFO  co - In AbandonedTransactionReaper :  MaxActive : 200 CurrentActive : 0 MaxIdle : 200 MinIdle : 0 CurrentIdle : 0
15:33:29.780 [main] INFO  co - In DAO listRepositoryDetails method
15:33:29.950 [main] INFO  co - Factory contains this poolName Default Domain
15:33:29.950 [main] INFO  co - Initializing Handlers
15:33:31.207 [main] INFO  co - Checking isEntitlementServer Exist for EntitlementServer Name:  'PDPServer '
15:33:31.222 [main] INFO  co - Getting  ApplicationType with name 'Default'  under application group name 'Global'
15:33:31.400 [main] WARN  co - Node roleType=[PRIMARY,TranportType=[null]
15:33:31.419 [main] INFO  co - Inside confirmAndDemoteIfNotPrimary
15:33:31.419 [main] INFO  co - In DAO getRepository method for HostConfig Type: PAP
15:33:31.430 [main] INFO  co - Now checking against secondary pap ISE02
15:33:31.431 [main] INFO  co -  inside getHostConfigRemoteServer
Security Protocol list Start
15:33:31.532 [main] INFO  co - DEFAULT SSL Protocol at returnTLSv1.2
15:33:31.533 [main] INFO  co - DEFAULT SSL Protocols List at return[TLSv1.2]
15:33:33.637 [main] INFO  co - Integritycheck Openssl digest output from verification with Swims release key: Verified OK
15:33:33.638 [main] INFO  co - Integritycheck Output: Verified signature of integritycheck program with Swims release key

15:34:13.804 [main] INFO  co - Integritycheck Output: Verified signature of integritycheck.sums file with Swims release key
15:34:13.805 [main] INFO  co - Integritycheck PASSED
Inside Session facade init
15:34:13.844 [main] INFO  co - inside isCloudDeployment function cloud URL Requested method GET
15:34:13.844 [main] INFO  co - URI for cloud API call ================ URL: , Request Method: GET
15:34:13.858 [main] ERROR co - ==========exception in getURLForHTTPConnection null
15:34:13.858 [main] INFO  co - inside isCloudDeployment function cloud URL Requested method GET
15:34:13.858 [main] INFO  co - URI for cloud API call ================ URL: , Request Method: GET
15:34:14.877 [main] ERROR co - ==========exception in getURLForHTTPConnection null
15:34:14.877 [main] INFO  co - inside isCloudDeployment function cloud URL Requested method GET
15:34:14.877 [main] INFO  co - URI for cloud API call ================ URL: , Request Method: GET
15:34:15.901 [main] ERROR co - ==========exception in getURLForHTTPConnection null
Old Memory Size : 16204356
15:34:15.919 [main] INFO  co - PlatformProperties whoami: root

15:34:16.129 [main] INFO  co - PlatformProperties{udiPid='ISE-VM-K9', udiVid='V01', udiSn='EFHGJBGCGFB', memorySizeKb=16204356, numberOfCpuCores=16, vmDiskSpace=}
15:34:16.133 [main] INFO  co - inside mapVmToProfile function cloud check valuesfalsefalsefalse
15:34:16.589 [main] INFO  co - loadSystemProperties
In the init method of PDPFacade
15:34:16.685 [main] INFO  co - In the init method of PDPFacade
15:34:16.698 [main] INFO  co - Factory contains this poolName Default Domain
15:34:16.698 [main] INFO  co - Started checking of Authetication
15:34:16.778 [main] INFO  co - updating   AppName  PAP Application Group:PAP Application   Status    0
15:34:16.779 [main] INFO  co - updating   AppName  Prime group:Prime portal   Status    0
15:34:16.779 [main] INFO  co - updating   AppName  NAC Group:NAC   Status    0
15:34:16.783 [main] INFO  co - Started to load Pip's....
15:34:16.957 [main] INFO  co - DataBasePIPMetaData
15:34:16.964 [main] INFO  co - PoolName is  Global:Entitlement Repository
15:34:16.964 [main] INFO  co - Pool is going to be initialized with poolName as Global:Entitlement Repository
15:34:16.965 [main] INFO  co - Initing the ConnectionPool with Properties
15:34:16.965 [main] INFO  co - In DBApacheContextFactory Class
15:34:16.966 [main] INFO  co - Starting the abandoned pool reaper thread
15:34:16.967 [AbandonedTransactionReaper] INFO  co - In AbandonedTransactionReaper :  MaxActive : 200 CurrentActive : 0 MaxIdle : 200 MinIdle : 0 CurrentIdle : 0
15:34:16.973 [main] INFO  co - Initialization of PIP's and Attributes is done
15:34:18.914 [main] INFO  co - Pip's are loaded and started
15:34:18.915 [main] INFO  co - Lodaing data into in memory
15:34:18.933 [main] INFO  co - Inside confirmAndDemoteIfNotPrimary
15:34:18.934 [main] INFO  co - In DAO getRepository method for HostConfig Type: PAP
15:34:18.942 [main] INFO  co - Now checking against secondary pap ISE02
15:34:18.942 [main] INFO  co -  inside getHostConfigRemoteServer
15:34:18.943 [main] WARN  co - Unable to retrieve the host config from standby pap java.lang.NullPointerException
15:34:18.943 [main] WARN  co - returning null from getHostConfigRemoteServer
15:34:18.943 [main] INFO  co - remotePrimaryConfig.getNodeRoleStatus() NULL
15:34:18.943 [main] INFO  co - remoteClusterInfo.getDeploymentName NULL
15:34:18.943 [main] INFO  co - Ended checkAndDemoteIfNotPrimary
15:34:18.943 [main] INFO  co - Factory contains this poolName Default Domain
15:34:18.955 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - In loadInMemoryData method
15:34:19.001 [main] INFO  co - All Queries are loaded..
15:34:19.009 [main] WARN  co - In PDPFacade=[false],transportType=[null]
15:34:19.010 [main] INFO  co - Replication type=[null]
Time taken for NSFAdminServiceFactory to load5203
15:34:19.576 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Loaded Global users,groups,roles done
15:34:19.895 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Loaded Application group users,groups,roles,contexts[PAP Application Group] Done
15:34:20.298 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Loaded Application  users,groups,roles,contexts[PAP Application Group:PAP Application] Done
15:34:20.426 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Loaded Application group users,groups,roles,contexts[Prime group] Done
15:34:20.560 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Loaded Application  users,groups,roles,contexts[Prime group:Prime portal] Done
15:34:20.682 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Loaded Application group users,groups,roles,contexts[NAC Group] Done
15:34:21.517 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Loaded Application  users,groups,roles,contexts[NAC Group:NAC] Done
15:34:21.518 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Creating resources and assosiated policyies  intiated...
15:34:35.547 [main] ERROR co - Class not a DefaultEDFSession co
15:34:36.072 [main] INFO  co - SSLManagerFactory initialized in Non-FIPS mode
15:34:36.072 [main] INFO  co - SSLManagerFactory initialized with TLSv1 and with SHA1.
15:34:36.072 [main] INFO  co - SSLManagerFactory initialized with TLSv1 and without SHA1.
15:34:36.073 [main] INFO  co - SSLManagerFactory initialized without TLSv1 and with SHA1.
15:34:36.073 [main] INFO  co - SSLManagerFactory initialized without TLSv1 and without SHA1.
15:34:36.620 [main] INFO  co - this is the host config returned ISE02
15:34:36.620 [main] INFO  co - this is the Cluster Info returned 94d90c20-d161-11ef-8dfa-024597b71001
15:34:36.628 [main] INFO  co - remotePrimaryConfig.getNodeRoleStatus() SECONDARY
15:34:36.628 [main] INFO  co - remoteClusterInfo.getDeploymentName ISEDeployment-i3RiE
15:34:36.629 [main] INFO  co - Ended checkAndDemoteIfNotPrimary
15:34:36.635 [main] INFO  co - Policy Administration Point started successfully
15:34:36.635 [main] INFO  co - PAPFacade Initialization Complete
15:34:36.640 [main] INFO  co - Inside confirmAndDemoteIfNotPrimary
15:34:36.642 [main] INFO  co - In DAO getRepository method for HostConfig Type: PAP
15:34:36.665 [main] INFO  co - Now checking against secondary pap ISE02
15:34:36.665 [main] INFO  co -  inside getHostConfigRemoteServer
15:34:36.929 [main] INFO  co - this is the host config returned ISE02
15:34:36.930 [main] INFO  co - this is the Cluster Info returned 94d90c20-d161-11ef-8dfa-024597b71001
15:34:36.930 [main] INFO  co - remotePrimaryConfig.getNodeRoleStatus() SECONDARY
15:34:36.931 [main] INFO  co - remoteClusterInfo.getDeploymentName ISEDeployment-i3RiE
15:34:36.931 [main] INFO  co - Ended checkAndDemoteIfNotPrimary
15:34:43.714 [main] ERROR co - Cannot parse environment variable TRUSTSEC_CONFIG_DELAY/TRUSTSEC_CONFIG_DELAY_SINGLE.Probably not an application server.
15:34:43.715 [main] INFO  co - Timer for trustsec changes will not be scheduled, since window period is 0.
15:34:43.757 [main] INFO  co - Registering TrustsecNotification handler for HostConfig notifications
15:34:43.758 [main] INFO  co - Registered TrustsecNotification handler...
15:34:43.758 [main] INFO  co - Inside isStandaloneNode
15:34:43.761 [main] INFO  co - localHostConfig name ISE01 nodeRoleStatus PRIMARY
15:34:43.798 [main] INFO  co - ESCredentialHandler Intializer Invoked
15:34:43.850 [main] INFO  co - End : EndpointLoginConfig init
15:34:43.924 [main] INFO  co - Posture: Registering EDF event for endpoint
15:34:43.926 [main] INFO  co - Posture: isSelfStandaloneOrPanNode: true
15:34:43.920 [PxGrid-RefreshLoop] INFO  co - pxGrid config handler start
15:34:44.003 [main] INFO  co - Posture: Ignored Since PostureEdfNotificationHandler already registered
15:34:44.003 [main] INFO  co - Posture: Registered EDF event for endpoint
15:34:44.013 [main] INFO  co - Posture VisibilityHandler localhost fqdn is ISE01.test.local, isSelfStandaloneOrPanNode: true
Old Memory Size : 16204356
15:34:44.275 [main] INFO  co - inside mapVmToProfile function cloud check valuesfalsefalsefalse
15:34:44.278 [main] WARN  co - Failed to get queue size limit from platform limits null
15:34:45.224 [main] INFO  co - CallStatus value for get method : 200
Export in progress...Old Memory Size : 16204356
15:34:48.251 [main] INFO  co - inside mapVmToProfile function cloud check valuesfalsefalsefalse
15:34:48.255 [main] INFO - Read  profiler.redis.maxactive from platform properties: null
15:34:48.255 [main] INFO - Value of max active redis connections: 35
15:34:48.329 [main] ERROR - Failed to populate profiler partitions:null
        at co
        at co<init>(
        at co<clinit>(
        at co
        at co
        at co

15:34:48.330 [main] INFO - Local db registration EndpointCert, index 0
15:34:48.331 [main] INFO - About to persist the partitions to /opt/CSCOcpm/appsrv/apache-tomcat/config/
15:34:48.332 [main] INFO - Updated properties : /opt/CSCOcpm/appsrv/apache-tomcat/config/

15:34:50.825 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Creatiion of resources and assosiated policyies  done
15:34:52.588 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Size  of LogicalMap 103
15:34:52.589 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Time taken to load the blob data for dictinary bucket [246]
15:34:52.589 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Number of Users loaded into Memory[18]
15:34:52.590 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Number of Groupss loaded into Memory[344]
15:34:52.590 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Number of Roles loaded into Memory[56]
15:34:52.590 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Number of Resourcess loaded into Memory[11777]
15:34:52.590 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Number of Context's   :  [1]
15:34:52.590 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Total memory utilized[291]M.B
15:34:52.590 [DataLoaderInitializer-0] INFO  co - Time taken to load below entities into memory[33659]m.s

15:34:54.270 [main] INFO  co - copyOut json {
  "sourceFile" : "/opt/ca_export/ise_ca_key_pairs_of_ISE01",
  "RepoName" : "FTP"
15:34:54.500 [main] INFO  co - The Value of CallStatus for post method : 200
The following 5 CA key pairs were exported to repository 'FTP' at 'ise_ca_key_pairs_of_ISE01':
        Subject:CN=Certificate Services Root CA - ISE01
        Issuer:CN=Certificate Services Root CA - ISE01

        Subject:CN=Certificate Services Node CA - ISE01
        Issuer:CN=Certificate Services Root CA - ISE01

        Subject:CN=Certificate Services Endpoint Sub CA - ISE01
        Issuer:CN=Certificate Services Node CA - ISE01

        Subject:CN=Certificate Services Endpoint RA - ISE01
        Issuer:CN=Certificate Services Endpoint Sub CA - ISE01

        Subject:CN=Certificate Services OCSP Responder - ISE01
        Issuer:CN=Certificate Services Endpoint Sub CA - ISE01

ISE CA keys export completed successfully


이렇게 인증서 백업이 완료 되었습니다.


FTP 서버에 폴더에서 확인 합니다.


CLI에서 [8]Import Internal CA Store 눌러서 복구도 가능 합니다. 

이부분은 생략 하갰습니다.


지금까지 [2025][CISCO ISE#32] - Export/Import Certificate에 대해서 알아보았습니다.