

오늘은 [2024][EVE-NG #15] Juniper MX 라우터 설치하기입니다.


1. EVE-NG 공식 홈페이지입니다. 



Juniper vMX 16.X, 17.X -

This guide is based on version: EVE Image Folderame Downloaded Filename Version vCPUs vRAM vmxvcp-17.1R1.8-domestic-VCP vmx-bundle 17.1R1.8.tgz Junos:17.1R1.8 1 1 Gb vmxvcp-17.1R1.8-domestic-VFP vmx-bundle 17.1R1.8.tgz Junos:17.1R1.8 3 4 GB   Instructions




2. Juniper MX라우터 폴더 이름 이미지 파일 이름 및 확장자 정보입니다. 

Qemu folder name EVE                                Vendor                                                 Qemu image. qcow2 name

a10- A10-vthunder hda
acs- ACS hda
asa- ASA ported hda
asav- ASAv virtioa
ampcloud- Ampcloud Private hda, hdb, hdc
alteon- Radware virtioa
barracuda- Barracuda FW hda
bigip- F5 virtioa, virtiob
brocadevadx- Brocade virtioa
cda- Cisco CDA hda
cips- Cisco IPS hda, hdb
clearpass- Aruba ClearPass hda, hdb
aruba- Aruba Virtual Mobility Controller hda, hdb
arubacx- Aruba CX Switch virtioa
coeus- Cisco WSA coeus virtioa
phoebe- Cisco ESA virtioa
cpsg- Checkpoint hda
csr1000v- Cisco CSR v1000 3.x
csr1000vng- Cisco CSR v1000 16.x, 17.x
csr1000vng- Cisco CSR v1000 16.x SD-WAN
prime- Cisco Prime Infra virtioa
cucm- Cisco CUCM virtioa
cumulus- Cumulus virtioa
extremexos- ExtremeOS sataa
extremevoss- Extreme VOSS SW hda
esxi- VM Ware ESXi hda, hdb, hdc…
firepower- Cisco FirePower 5.4 NGIPS scsia
firepower- Cisco FirePower 5.4 FMC scsia
firepower6- Cisco FirePower 6.x NGIPS sataa
firepower6- Cisco FirePower 6.x FMC virtioa
firepower6- Cisco FirePower 6.x FTD virtioa
ftd7- Cisco Firepower 7 FTD virtioa
fmc7- Cisco Forepower 7 FMC virtioa
fortinet- Fortinet FW virtioa
fortinet- Fortinet SGT virtioa
fortinet- Fortinet mail virtioa, virtiob
fortinet- Fortinet manager virtioa
fpfw- Forcepoint NGFW hda
fpsmc- Forcepoint Security Manager hda
hpvsr- HP virt router hda
huaweiar1k- Huawei AR1000v virtioa
huaweiusg6kv- Huawei USG6000v hda
ise- ISE 1.x cisco hda
ise- ISE 2.x cisco virtioa
jspace- Junos Space virtioa
infoblox- Infoblox virtioa
junipervrr- Juniper vRR virtioa
kerio- Kerio Control Firewall sataa
linux- any linux virtioa
mikrotik- Mikrotik router hda
nsvpx- Citrix Netscaler virtioa
nsx- VM Ware NSX hda
nxosv9k- NX9K Cisco Nexus ( SATA best perf)
olive- Juniper hda
ostinato- Ostinato traffic generator hda
osx- Apple OSX hda + kernel.img
paloalto- PaloAlto FW virtioa
panorama- PaloAlto Panorama virtioa, virtiob
pfsense- pFsense FW virtioa
prime- Cisco Prime Infra virtioa
pulse- Pulse Secure virtioa
riverbed- vRiverbed virtioa, virtiob
scrutinizer- Plixer Scrutinizer Netflow virtioa
silveredge- Silver Peak Edge hda
silverorch- Silver Peak Orchestrator hda
sonicwall- FW Sonicwall sataa
sourcefire- Sourcefire NGIPS scsia
sterra- S-terra VPN hda
sterra- S-terra Gate virtioa
stealth- Cisco StealthWatch hda
timos- Alcatel Lucent Timos hda
timoscpm- Nokia Timos 19 virtidea
timosiom- Nokia Timos 19 virtidea
titanium- NXOS Titanium Cisco virtioa
vcenter- VMWare vCenter sataa ( 12G )
satab ( 1.8G )
satac ( 15G )
satad ( 25G )
satae ( 25G )
sataf ( 10G )
satag ( 10G )
satah ( 15G )
satai ( 10G )
sataj ( 1.0G )
satak ( 10G )
satal ( 10G )
satam ( 100G )
veos- Arista SW hda, cdrom.iso
veloedge- Velocloud Edge virtioa
velogw- Velocloud Gateway virtioa
veloorch- Velocloud Orchestrator virtioa, virtiob, virtioc
versaana- Versa Networks Analayzer virtioa
versadir- Versa Networks Director virtioa
versavnf- Versa Networks FlexVNF Edge virtioa
vios- L3 vIOS Cisco Router virtioa
viosl2- L2 vIOS Cisco SW virtioa
vtbond- Viptela vBond virtioa
vtedge- Viptela vEdge virtioa
vtsmart- Viptela vSmart virtioa
vtmgmt- Viptela vManage virtioa, virtiob
vmx- Juniper vMX router hda
vmxvcp- Juniper vMX-VCP virtioa, virtiob, virtioc
vmxvfp- Juniper vMX-VFP virtioa
vnam- Cisco VNAM hda
vqfxpfe- Juniper vQFX-PFE hda
vqfxre- Juniper vQFX-RE hda
vsrx- vSRX 12.1 Juniper FW/router virtioa
vsrxng- vSRX v15.x Juniper FW/router virtioa
vwaas- Cisco WAAS virtioa,virtiob,virtioc
vwlc- vWLC Cisco WiFi controller megasasa
vyos- VYOS virtioa
win- Windows Hosts (Not Server Editions) hda or virtioa(using driver)
winserver- Windows Server Editions hda or virtioa(using driver)
xrv- XRv Cisco router hda
xrv9k- XRv 9000 Cisco router
zabbix- Zabbix Monitoring virtioa


예전 버전은 vmx- 폴더 하나에 Control and Dataplan이 합쳐진 버전이었으니, 특정 버전부터는 아래와 같이 

VCP -> Control Plan

VFP -> Data Plan으로 나뉘어 있습니다.


3. 아래 사진처럼 Juniper MX 라우터 이미지를 준비합니다.  위에 표에 있는 이미지 말고도 다른 이미지들도 지원합니다.



폴더를 준비하였습니다.

4. EVE-NG를 구동합니다


5. 이미지를 업로드하기 위해서는 winscp프로그램이 필요합니다. 

아래 사이트에서 프로그램을 다운로드 후 설치 합니다.

설치 과정은 생략하겠습니다. 





WinSCP is a popular free SFTP and FTP client for Windows, a powerful file manager that will improve your productivity. It supports also local-local mode and FTPS, S3, SCP and WebDAV protocols. Power users can automate WinSCP using .NET assembly.



6. winscp 실행 후 EVE-NG 서버 IP주소랑 로그인 정보를 입력합니다.


7. Juniper vMX 폴더를 오른쪽 /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/ 폴더에 복사합니다. 


8. putty 또는 secure crt를 이용해서 EVE-NG 접속합니다. 






9. 폴더를 확인합니다

root@eve-ng:~# cd /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu# ls -al | grep vmx
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jun  9 07:56 vmxvcp-16.2R1.6-domestic-VCP
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jun  9 07:56 vmxvcp-17.1R1.8-domestic-VCP
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jun  9 07:57 vmxvfp-16.2R1.6-domestic-VFP
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jun  9 07:58 vmxvfp-17.1R1.8-domestic-VFP


10. 파일을 확인합니다. 

vmxvcp 파일을 확인합니다. 

root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu# cd vmxvcp-17.1R1.8-domestic-VCP/
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/vmxvcp-17.1R1.8-domestic-VCP# ls
hda.qcow2  hdb.qcow2  hdc.qcow2


vmxvfp 파일을 확인합니다. 

root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu# cd vmxvfp-17.1R1.8-domestic-VFP/
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/vmxvfp-17.1R1.8-domestic-VFP# ls


11. 퍼미션을 수정합니다.

폴더 위치는 상관없습니다.

root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions


12. EVE-NG를 접속합니다.


13. 로그인 후 node를 추가합니다.

template: Juniper vMX VCP

image: vmxvcp-17.1R1

icon:  JuniperMX

그리고 Save버튼을 클릭합니다. 

14. 로그인 후 node를 추가합니다.

template: Juniper vMX VFP

image: vmxvfp-17.1R1

icon:  JuniperMX

그리고 Save버튼을 클릭합니다. 


15.  아래 사진처럼 VCP랑 VFP선을 em1 / int 인터페이스에 연결합니다.


16. 두장비를 Start버튼을 눌러서 구동시킵니다.


17. 부팅이 완료될 때까지 기다립니다. 


18. 부팅이 완료되었습니다

기본 로그인 정보는 아래와 같습니다

ID: root

Passwrod: 없


아래처럼 show chassis hardware 입력하면 

VCP - Routing Engine

정상적으로 동작하는 걸 확인 가능합니다.



show chassis fpc 명령어로도 확인 가능합니다


fpc가 정상적으로 동작하면 show interface terse 명령어를 입력했을 때 인터페이스 정보들이 나타납니다.

FreeBSD/amd64 (Amnesiac) (ttyu0)

--- JUNOS 17.1R1.8 Kernel 64-bit  JNPR-10.3-20170209.344539_build
root@:~ # cli

root> show chassis hardware 
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                VM6665662857      VMX
Routing Engine 0                                         RE-VMX
CB 0                                                     VMX SCB
CB 1                                                     VMX SCB
FPC 0                                                    Virtual FPC
  CPU            Rev. 1.0 RIOT         123XYZ987        

root> show chassis fpc               
                     Temp  CPU Utilization (%)   CPU Utilization (%)  Memory    Utilization (%)
Slot State            (C)  Total  Interrupt      1min   5min   15min  DRAM (MB) Heap     Buffer
  0  Online           Testing 100         0       41      9      3    512        28          0
  1  Empty           
  2  Empty           
  3  Empty           
  4  Empty           
  5  Empty           
  6  Empty           
  7  Empty           
  8  Empty           
  9  Empty           
 10  Empty           
 11  Empty           


root> show interfaces terse 
Interface               Admin Link Proto    Local                 Remote
ge-0/0/0                up    up
lc-0/0/0                up    up
lc-0/0/0.32769          up    up   vpls    
pfe-0/0/0               up    up
pfe-0/0/0.16383         up    up   inet    
pfh-0/0/0               up    up
pfh-0/0/0.16383         up    up   inet    
pfh-0/0/0.16384         up    up   inet    
ge-0/0/1                up    up
ge-0/0/2                up    up
ge-0/0/3                up    up
ge-0/0/4                up    up
ge-0/0/5                up    up
ge-0/0/6                up    up
ge-0/0/7                up    up
ge-0/0/8                up    up
ge-0/0/9                up    up
cbp0                    up    up
demux0                  up    up
dsc                     up    up
em1                     up    up
em1.0                   up    up   inet      
                                   inet6    fe80::5200:ff:fe09:1/64
                                   tnp      0x4             
esi                     up    up
fxp0                    up    up
gre                     up    up
ipip                    up    up
irb                     up    up
jsrv                    up    up
jsrv.1                  up    up   inet   
lo0                     up    up
lo0.16384               up    up   inet           --> 0/0
lo0.16385               up    up   inet    
lsi                     up    up
mtun                    up    up
pimd                    up    up
pime                    up    up
pip0                    up    up
pp0                     up    up
rbeb                    up    up
tap                     up    up        
vtep                    up    up



지금까지 [2024][EVE-NG #15] Juniper MX 라우터 설치하기 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 

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