

오늘은 C9300 스위치 Stack 설치에 대해서 알아보도록 하겠습니다.


아래 사진처럼 C9300 스위치를 2대 준비합니다. 


Stack 케이블을 아래 사진처럼 연결 합니다.


그리고 전원을 연결 합니다. 


부팅이 완료 되면 아래처럼 show switch 입력하면 자동으로 Stack 설정이 완료 된것을 확인 할수 있습니다. 

Switch#show switch
Switch/Stack Mac Address : 9c66.977a.e000 - Local Mac Address
Mac persistency wait time: Indefinite
                                             H/W   Current
Switch#   Role    Mac Address     Priority Version  State
*1       Active   9c66.977a.e000     1      V08     Ready
 2       Standby  9c66.977a.e080     1      V08     Ready


2대 스위치중에서 어떤 스위치가 Master로 선택 되는지는 알고리즘에 의해서 선정 됩니다. 


Master Switch Election

The  stack behaves as a single switching unit that is managed by a master  switch elected from one of the member switches. The master switch  automatically creates and updates all the switching and optional routing  tables. Any member of the stack can become the master switch. Upon  installation, or reboot of the entire stack, an election process occurs  among the switches in the stack. There is a hierarchy of selection  criteria for the election.

1. User priority - The network manager can select a switch to be master.

2. Hardware and software priority  - This will default to the unit with the most extensive feature set.  The Cisco Catalyst 3750 IP Services (IPS) image has the highest  priority, followed by Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches with IP Base Software  Image (IPB).

Catalyst  3750-E and Catalyst 3750-X run the Universal Image. The feature set on  the universal image is determined by the purchased license. The "show  version" command will list operating license level for each switch  member in the stack.

3. Default configuration - If a switch has preexisting configuration information, it will take precedence over switches that have not been configured.

4. Uptime - The switch that has been running the longest is selected.

5. MAC address - Each switch reports its MAC address to all its neighbors for comparison. The switch with the lowest MAC address is selected


자세한 내용은 아래 링크를 참고 부탁드립니다.




Products - Cisco Catalyst 9000 Platform StackWise Virtual White Paper

Cisco® Catalyst® 9000 platform StackWise® Virtual technology allows the clustering of two physical switches together into a single logical entity. The two switches operate as one; they share the same configuration and forwarding state. This technology a



show switch에서는 switch1이 마스터 스위치 선택되었지만 실제 C9300 스위치 두대중에서 어떤 스위치가 마스터인지 확인이 불가능 합니다.


show version 실행합니다. 

첫번째 정보가 Switch1에 대한 정보 입니다

두번째 정보가 Switch2에 대한 정보 입니다. 


Switch1에 Serial 정보를 실제 장비에 시리얼 번호를 확인 합니다. 

Base Ethernet MAC Address          : 
Motherboard Assembly Number        : 
Motherboard Serial Number          : XXXXXXXXX
Model Revision Number              : 
Motherboard Revision Number        : 
Model Number                       : C9300-24T
System Serial Number               : XXXXXXXX
CLEI Code Number                   : 

Switch Ports Model              SW Version        SW Image              Mode
------ ----- -----              ----------        ----------            ----
*    1 41    C9300-24T          17.12.03          CAT9K_IOSXE           INSTALL
     2 41    C9300-24T          17.12.03          CAT9K_IOSXE           INSTALL

Switch 02
Switch uptime                      : 25 minutes

Base Ethernet MAC Address          : 
Motherboard Assembly Number        :
Motherboard Serial Number          : YYYYYYYYY
Model Revision Number              : 
Motherboard Revision Number        :
Model Number                       : C9300-24T
System Serial Number               :  YYYYYYYYY
Last reload reason                 : 
CLEI Code Number                   : 


그리고 장비에 라벨을 프린터 해서 붙입니다. 


장비가 재부팅 되더라도 항상 Switch1에 Master로 선정하기 위해서 아래 처럼 Switch Priority 값을 수정 합니다. 

Switch#switch 1 priority 14
Switch#switch 2 priority 13

Switch#show switch
Switch#   Role    Mac Address     Priority Version  State
*1       Active                                     14     V08     Ready
 2       Standby                                  13     V08     Ready


그리고 장비에 설정값을 저장 합니다

Building configuration...


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